Foods That May Worsen Acne: What to Avoid to Help Your Teen’s Skin

Foods That May Worsen Acne: What to Avoid to Help Your Teen’s Skin
As a mom, you naturally want to do everything you can to help your teen feel confident and comfortable in their own skin. When acne flares up, it can leave you feeling helpless, inadequate and even judged by others, especially if it seems like 

The Connection Between Diet and Acne: What Does the Research Say?

The Connection Between Diet and Acne: What Does the Research Say?
wonder if certain foods might be making acne worse or whether changes in diet could help clear up the skin. Although research is ongoing, several studies have provided evidence suggesting that 

The Berry Reset: A 14 Day Journey to Visibly Clearer Skin

The Berry Reset: A 14 Day Journey to Visibly Clearer Skin
introducing "The Berry Reset," a 14-day plan designed to harness the skin-clearing powers of some of nature's most potent fruits. Finding effective and natural remedies for managing acne is a top priority for many
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