The Ancient Art of Chinese Face Mapping: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Acne Breakouts in Teens

The Ancient Art of Chinese Face Mapping: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Acne Breakouts in Teens
Welcome to the realm of Chinese face mapping, a window into the depths of your teen's health disguised as acne spots and pimples.  
Traditional Chinese Medicine promotes a holistic way of approaching skincare. From using gentle products that balance the skin's natural oils to 
practicing gua sha or acupressure massage for natural toning effects, incorporating TCM principles into skincare can provide a preventative approach to clearing acne.


Why Are Pimples Painful? Understanding Acne for Parents of Teens

Why Are Pimples Painful? Understanding Acne for Parents of Teens
As a parent, watching your teen suffer through the challenges of painful pimples can be difficult. This post provides an informative snapshot for 

Morning & Evening Skincare Routine for Acne Prone Skin

Morning & Evening Skincare Routine for Acne Prone Skin
A custom skincare routine that includes cleansing, mandelic acid application and a repairing moisturizer in the morning, followed by a night time
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