Refund Policies:
Clear Complexion Cleanse - 14 Day Jumpstart
Due to the nature of the digital downloads and digital content in the welcome email there is no refund for the "Clear Complexion Cleanse" 14 Day Jumpstart

eBooks & eBook Bundles: 
Due to the nature of the digital downloads and digital content, 
there is no refund for eBooks or eBook Bundles

Clear Skin Secrets Online Course:
Within 24 hours you can ask for a refund, only if you've watched all the videos in the course modules and you are not satisfied with what you've learned.

Skincare Products:
There is no refund on skincare products once they are shipped.

Virtual Clear Skin Bootcamp:
After 3 months, if you are not seeing improvement, you can request a refund on the monthly fee. (products not included)   You must have attended all 2 week follow up appointments, done the recommended skincare routines morning and evening, sent in photos at each 2 week follow up appointment and watched all the videos in the course.

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