The Ancient Art of Chinese Face Mapping: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Acne Breakouts in Teens

The Ancient Art of Chinese Face Mapping: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Acne Breakouts in Teens
Welcome to the realm of Chinese face mapping, a window into the depths of your teen's health disguised as acne spots and pimples.  
Traditional Chinese Medicine promotes a holistic way of approaching skincare. From using gentle products that balance the skin's natural oils to 
practicing gua sha or acupressure massage for natural toning effects, incorporating TCM principles into skincare can provide a preventative approach to clearing acne.


What Does Acne from Stress Look Like in Teens

What Does Acne from Stress Look Like in Teens
Stress-related acne is becoming a growing concern among many parents who are raising teenagers. With school pressure, peer 

The Benefits of High Frequency Acne Treatments

The Benefits of High Frequency Acne Treatments
Let's take a closer look at some of the benefits of high frequency acne treatments:
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